The EMBO Workshop: Cancer immunometabolism was successfully celebrated in hybrid format on the 29th of November – 1st of December 2021. We had 21 invited speakers (19 in-person and 2 virtually), 17 short-talks (16 in-person and 1 virtual), 60 posters (48 in-person and 12 virtually) and 215 participants (137 in-person and 78 virtual). Gender ratio of participants and invited speakers was 137 female and 78 male.
The selected venue has been ideal to foster quality scientific interactions in both the auditorium and the break areas. In addition, the company selected to manage the streaming of the workshop has performed a very professional job, and virtual attendees have praised the quality of the videos.
It has been really nice to have the chance to meet again with the scientific community and most of the META-CAN consortium for this final project conference. All present META-CAN ESRs presented their research projects in poster presentations and one oral communication. In addition, one of the posters was awarded with the EMBO Molecular Medicine poster prize.
Some images of the event: