As part of our MSCA-ESR training on complementary skills we got to leave the wet lab to explore what happens on the other side of the bench and to learn what it means to be a scientific editor. This is our story.
The new work developed in the lab of META-CAN's coordinator, Cristina Muñoz-Pinedo, has finally seen the light in a paper at PNAS. The study has been possible thanks to an amazing group of researchers and the funding of two MSCA Actions: TRAINERS (GA 675448) and META-CAN (GA 766214).
New joint paper in Cell Metabolism by the META-CAN principal investigators Catherine Thieblemont (AP-HP Hopital Saint-louis-Université Paris Descartes) and Jean-Ehrland Ricci (C3M, INSERM), with the participation of the ESR Manuel Grima-Reyes (C3M, INSERM).
META-CAN has participated in this European event with the activity entitled: WHO is WHO in European Science? / QUI és QUI en la Recerca a Europa? Developed in the ImaginCafè (Barcelona) on Friday 28th of September 2018 (20 - 22:00h).
META-CAN’s deputy coordinator, Jean-Ehrland Ricci has recently published a very relevant study on immunometabolism of cancer in Cell Metabolism. His work has identified a molecular pathway that leads to an enhanced anticancer immune response after protein dietary restriction.